124 why i choose to celebrate the demolition

From: starstuffharvestingstarlight joao@hipercubo.net Date: 2010-09-08 03:19:13 Title: why i choose to celebrate the demolition

over and over, the words "fight and defend this place" echo. more so since we knew the demolition was coming. this is a tiny explanation on why i prefer to celebrate, and not fight, the demolition and the coming destruction of many months of work.

1) everything has a life cycle, grows and withers, and like a plant that dies but leaves new seeds, i think SPCC has given enough fruit. in fact, it gives fresh, delicious fruit every day. the fact that we document it pays enough homage to everything everyone involved has done for it (and we're talking about hundreds of people by now). if it were to last forever, it would become an institution, exactly what it is meant to fight. it would become a stereotype, a monoculture, a "safe place" within democracy to be part of an underground movement. tourists would visit and feel "underground" for a week, before going back to desk jobs selling diet pills. upper class youth would smoke their joints there so that, 10 years later, they could validate their new capitalist lifestyle by saying "i was a squatter back then! i fought the system!". police and city hall would thank its existence, for channeling the angry youth to some place where it's far from the main streets and neighborhoods, happy that they now had "contained" the underground movement. who knows, maybe they would even start supporting it with money, a clear sign of defeat. the fact that none of this would help any constructive cause, and in fact would hinder it, is a sign that CHANGE must be permanent, to enable a dynamic movement. permanence and stability allow for the power to adapt to the structures created by the underground movement and control it. we need motion for revolution, not happy stable sustainable houses. we're living in a terrible age, an age of apathy, so it is key to understand (and avoid) the underground stereotypes, and how they can suck the life out of a movement. i'm not saying sustainable underground is bad. i'm saying it's part of the system we're trying to unmask.

2) i'm not angry. i'm not angry at any human being for being alive and trying to make the best out of what s/he gets when s/he is born. i don't perceive a policeman any differently than i perceive any other working class citizen. it is not the policeman i should be fighting. it is his boss. but his boss will never be in the front line, instead, his privileges will remain untouched, like the fair maiden in the castle tower. and as the butchering of the peasants revolt continues, her worries remain in her treasured patchwork. we do not touch any part of the ruling class with molotov cocktails and riots. we touch the ruling class by becoming emancipated by our own critical reasoning, by the facts we reveal and by our own conscious choices as consumers and workers. by being part of strikes, by refusing to be exploited, by consuming consciously or not consuming at all, we have better, easier vectors of battle. and none of these require a mohawk or an angry face. the anonymous citizen is the most powerful agent for revolution.

3) the left has lost. it has failed every single chance it had to change everything and mobilize the people. faint hope remains in south america. but in the west, from financial crises to oil spills and genocide, the left has failed in mobilizing the masses. the few that remain, squatters, anarchists, or just any concerned citizen, are now completely overpowered, outnumbered and outgunned. squats are being closed down, anarchists are now being compared to terrorists, and the anger it causes only feeds this stereotype. we are no longer fighters for a better world. we are a movement designated as a threat, and it will be eliminated. it's only a matter of time. the left wing must accept its defeat and choose new ways of fighting. it must accept its defeat as an ideology and embrace the same immoral methods as the right. we are not dealing with "good hearted working class" anymore. we are dealing with soma-induced brainwashed grayed out drones slowly pacing to the slaughterhouse. if the left wants to save anyone, it must become a possible future alternative free from past stereotypes. those have been destroyed by propaganda to the point where we can buy a che guevara t-shirt on a mainstream store. it's over. get over it. we lost.

4) fighting a losing battle is in essence, no different than the fight for survival and the delusion that we will last forever. from our brittle bones to the fiery doom of cosmic cataclysms and the cold death of the universe, we are a species defined by our irrational belief in a better future. there is no better future that will last forever. therefore, arguing for sustainability, veganism, squatting, or even democracy is just as delusional as arguing for free market capitalism, monarchy or the armageddon. a choice must be made. are we choosing to be diverse or are we choosing to become a human monoculture? are we trying to make this world livable for everyone, or just a select few? are we to become a species with no memetic diversity, with a common culture, language, globalized and moralized, or a radically subjective species with cultures so different that they become mutually incomprehensible, but tolerated? are we supposed to accept that only a few of us will survive (the alphas, the educated ruling class), or should we continue fighting for a world that allows not only for ethnic diversity but also cultural and memetic diversity?

are we willing to accept a world of capitalists and anarchists, of clean and dirty, of good, bad and ugly, or are we just trying to make the entire human reality into our own little narrow point of view? i, for one, don't want to live in a planet of anarchists. i want diversity to be the key aspect of our reality.

in that sense, i can't help but celebrate the destruction of diversity by the ruling class. i can't help but celebrate the defeat with laughter. because it is the proof that we lost, and the proof that we are right. when the demolition ball destroys all our work, and all the laughter it contained, we know that the beast has shown its face. and as the building collapses into dust, the hand that pushes it will become tainted with the happiness it took.

celebrating our destruction is a way to reveal the beast for what it is. an agent of entropy and cultural colonization. and like any other colonizer, i can't help but giggle at the brittle logic it carries with it.

we cannot be victims of our own cultural dogmatism. we must be aware of the middle way, and understand the agents of creation and destruction as part of what makes our species evolve. and with it, show, by example, how we are the agents of construction, of exuberance and diversity, and how the oppressor is our nemesis, and stands for the exact opposite.

there is no problem in being the loser, life is not a game. it is a cosmic privilege to be honored, treasured, and promoted. so keep seeding the seeds of ectropy, like tears in rain.

godspeed starstuff β˜†β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†

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