130 the demolition crew and the freeloader crew
From: starstuffharvestingstarlight joao@hipercubo.net Date: 2010-09-14 19:46:04 Title: the demolition crew and the freeloader crew
i just got some more news from the demolition crew. our building is definitely going to shit soon, we'll hear the dates probably today or anytime in the coming days
from what i heard, our residents already have a backup plan, and only have been using my money to get high and eat seafood (no shit). i don't think they will start another squat. i think they will just move on to the next group they can leech.
it really is about the money and the drugs. we're not dealing with real squatters. we're dealing with bourgeois junkies. there is no shame in taking advantage of others, in lying to their face, in being a hypocrite, i could go on. mohawks and tattoos are a gimmick, a distraction. the real wardrobe is a suit and a comb over. unfortunately, i can't do anything about it. this pattern is too ingrained in the lifestyle and won't change. they are an embarrassment to the punk movement, the squatter movement and the anarchist movement in general. some therapy might help, but capitalist democracy created this niche for development. a welfare state and a wasteful society allows for a purely narcissistic existence, with no work ethic or sense of respect. and the very fact that the left wing movement is driven by social help and tolerance allows it to be very cunningly exploited by this kind of selfish behavior. look cool, wear a leather jacket with spikes, get in for free in every concert, get free health care, free food, free money from your family, free drugs (not kidding). if anything, human beings are masters of survival and deceit. whenever you give change, you give some money for a ticket, buy a beer, you enable this kind of behavior. the wonderful puppy dog look, the crouching shoulders, the creaky voice. but behind your back, the laughter, the enjoyment, the glee for outsmarting someone else. maybe this is what fidel castro meant.
that smile remains hidden in their private moments. but thanks to T's room design, there are no secrets anymore. this cleverness is therefore exposed. i have cleared any myths i had about people needing help. there are real people with real problems and really need help, and there are fake people with fake problems that don't need help. they are mostly indistinguishable and easily mistaken.
if your nomad base design doesn't have a "no walls" model like this place, here are some hints:
no work done for others except cooking or getting food
no contribution to any house expenses, yet always with some money for personal items
why is cooking and getting food there? this was one of the most amazing revelations i had here. people cook for you sometimes because they want to do something nice, but sometimes because they don't trust other people's cooking! how insane is that? i've heard it straight from the mouth of some people here.
spot the freeloader: count work hours day for a given period, and compute the average for others. a freeloader stands out. the irony is if you are too liberal, you won't have the guts to take disciplinary action (because of your ideology), which will eventually cause self destruction via freeloader induced entropy.
without some kind of authority, anarchy won't work! how ironic is that! hah!
godspeed starstuff ββ βββ β β βββββ
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