146 moving on digitally
From: starstuffharvestingstarlight joao@hipercubo.net Date: 2010-10-07 22:46:34 Title: moving on digitally
hello, i'm just letting everyone know that this website is slowly going to die. it's going to have updates until the demolition, then i guess none at all.
so for everyone that enjoyed my writing here's where you can follow me: http://www.philosopherbagpiper.com - my new personal website for my personal stories and opinions http://starstuff.collected.info - gathers all my feeds and what i share online. note that it filters some content (it filtered out one link about israel for example) http://www.google.com/reader/shared/starstuffharvestingstarlight - gathers all the links i share http://twitter.com/sshsl - gathers all i listen to at work (usually podcasts and audiobooks)
facebook, for example, is replacing content providers. note that most people don't leave facebook to go see other websites anymore. it used to be feeds, now it's facebook. but facebook adds a perverse twist to how we put content on the web: it acquires ownership of what you write when you aggregate, and the right to put advertising on it. this is part of facebook's plan to take over the web.
i don't want to be a part of that, so i'm not using facebook for content anymore. if anyone wants to add me anyway, you can add me at http://www.facebook.com/starstuffharvestingstarlight . since there are no pictures or anything there, it's unlikely that you'll be able to stalk me at all.
and then there's good old email: joao@hipercubo.net
thank you for reading. i never thought this website would get so many visitors. i guess people still want to know how to build communities and how to make them work. there are a lot of books on the subject, i suffer from a lot of naivety in this matter, but never let it seem too big of a task. every journey starts with a single step.
godspeed starstuff ☆★☆☆★★★☆☆☆☆☆
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