132 impromptu meeting, couriers and our deadline
From: starstuffharvestingstarlight joao@hipercubo.net Date: 2010-09-15 20:51:33 Title: impromptu meeting, couriers and our deadline
thank you for reading my blog. no, seriously. this is my personal story on my stay at the house. it has nothing to do with the house itself, the people and what not. but still, whenever i go into a tantrum like yesterday, it gets amplified and broadcast all over the place, complete with couriers to the house. it's almost like i'm a spokesperson for the house. i'm not. it's my journal, stop watching big brother okupa. geez.
so thanks to the courier effect (like media coverage, it's complete with bias, "this week on SPCC"), we had an impromptu meeting this morning. the rest of the issues, since i was there, were skillfully avoided and disregarded, changing subjects or just staying quiet (i'm happy, less lying is good). the main issue is, as usual, the stage. i now see that there was a lot more going on than just setting up some walls. they told me all the plans and so on. had i known, or had they told me "hey, we want to reserve the stage for this", it would've been different. so i think people are back to the peaceful self. they are going to do the bar and are excited about the possibilities. communication has always been an issue, since day 1 (remember L and the fresh guests?).
now the big irony is that we got our deadline. it's 2 weeks! we only have two weekends left before demolition. with this, comes another irony: had we gone with talking over, discussing, etc etc, there would be no time for this concert.
so i guess it will be this event and a demolition party and that's it. SPCC to dust.
now, please, punk scene, stop watching TV (like this blog) and step up to what you represent. make a big fucking party, fuck up the place as much as you want, paint it, break it, but above all, show there is still some substance under the flair, that there is still ideology and community values that can unite you and make a great concert for everyone. how about united for a change? beyond your petty grievances and egos, beyond privileges classes and borders, how about a real squat-anarcho-punk concert with everyone actually living their ideology? i know, an idealist as usual. the non profit i was part of failed with the industrial scene because of this exact same issue. there is little uniting us anymore. capitalism has succeeded in clearing all ideology from underground scenes. music is not enough. there is nazi punk these days, have you heard?
SPCC is being demolished. it's over. but it doesn't mean it can't be fucking beautiful. now lets get cranking.
godspeed starstuff ββ βββ β β βββββ
Comments: From: subnormal mouracore@hotmail.com Date: 2010-09-15 23:55:37 Subject: learn and evolute
i guess sunday i'll cry before leaving . but i'll cry of happiness . this was , is , and will be not a , but the house that marked my life in an ideological sense . i did learn A FUCKING LOT from what some people call '200 tons of concrete and steel' , and what it fermented inside it . all the friendships , all the debates , all the divergences and all the (good and bad) impressive things i saw , heard and participated in there .
still , i'd fucking love to blow up it myself than giving that pleasure to the pigs (and not refering to the demolition team , but the people who commanded them to) . if i can't manage it myself , i hope in the explosion some big stone flys , gains wings , and by the power of nature it hits a fucking mercedes with belmiro de azevedo inside .
I'll never forget this house .
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